@Common N5 Kanji and Words @N5 Reading Practice @Basic Japanese Grammar for N5 @JLPT N5 Vocabulary List
浴びる【あびる】 (abiru)
Verb, (to bathe, to shower)
I am going to take a shower.
· 私 (わたし, watashi) = I
· は (wa) = (topic marker)
· これから (korekara) = from now, soon
· シャワー (shawā) = shower
· を (wo/o) = (object marker)
· 浴びる (あびる, abiru) = to take (a shower), to bathe
危ない【あぶない】 (abunai)
Adjective, (dangerous)
He is a very dangerous person.
· 彼 (かれ, kare) = “he”
· は (wa) = (topic marker, indicating the subject)
· とても (totemo) = “very”
· 危ない (あぶない, abunai) = “dangerous”
· 人 (ひと, hito) = “person”
· だ (da) = (copula, roughly equivalent to “is”)
あっち (acchi)
Pronoun, (over there)
We, to over there, let’s go.
· 私たち (わたしたち, watashitachi) = “we”
· は (wa) = (topic marker)
· あっち (acchi) = “over there”
· へ (e) = (direction particle, “to”)
· 行きましょう (いきましょう, ikimashou) = “let’s go”
あちら (achira)
Pronoun, (there)
Is that your father over there?
· あちら (achira) = “that (over there)”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· あなた (anata) = “you/your”
· の (no) = possessive marker (“‘s”)
· お父さん (otousan) = “father”
· ですか (desu ka) = polite question ending (“is it?”)
上げる【あげる】 (ageru)
Verb, (to raise; to elevate; to give)
Raise your hands.
· 手 (て, te) = “hand”
· を (wo/o) = object marker
· 上げて (あげて, agete) = “raise” (te-form of 上げる)
· ください (kudasai) = “please”
赤【あか】 (aka)
Verb, (to raise; to elevate; to give)
As for me, blue is the side I like more than red.
· 私 (わたし, watashi) = “I”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· 赤 (あか, aka) = “red”
· より (yori) = “than” (indicating comparison)
· 青 (あお, ao) = “blue”
· の (no) = linking particle (turning “blue” into the comparative reference)
· 方 (ほう, hō) = “side” (used to indicate preference)
· が (ga) = subject marker
· 好き (すき, suki) = “like”
· です (desu) = polite ending, equivalent to “is”
赤い【あかい】 (akai)
Adjective, (red; crimson; scarlet)
She dyed her hair red.
· 彼女 (かのじょ, kanojo) = “she”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· 髪 (かみ, kami) = “hair”
· を (wo) = object marker
· 赤く (あかく, akaku) = “red” (adverbial form, meaning “in a red manner”)
· 染めました (そめました, somemashita) = “dyed” (past polite form of “to dye”)
明るい【あかるい】 (akarui)
Adjective, (bright; light)
He is a cheerful person.
· 彼 (かれ, kare) = “he”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· 明るい (あかるい, akarui) = “bright” or “cheerful”
· 人 (ひと, hito) = “person”
· です (desu) = (polite ending, “is”)
開ける【あける】 (akeru)
Verb (to open (a door, etc.); to unwrap (e.g. parcel, package); to unlock)
Please open up the window.
· 窓 (まど, mado) = “window”
· を (wo) = object marker
· 開けて (あけて, akete) = “open” (te-form of 開ける)
· ください (kudasai) = “please”
秋【あき】 (aki)
Noun, (autumn; fall)
Autumn is here.
· 秋 (あき, aki) = “autumn”
· に (ni) = particle indicating a change of state (“to” or “becoming”)
· なりました (narimashita) = “became” (polite past form of なる, naru)
開く【あく】 (aku)
Verb (to open (e.g. doors, business, etc))
The window is open.
· 窓 (まど, mado) = “window”
· が (ga) = subject marker
· 開いている (あいている, aiteiru) = “is open” (describes a state, using the te-iru form of 開く)
甘い【あまい】 (amai)
Adjective, (sweet)
· 甘い (あまい, amai) = “sweet”
· 食べ物 (たべもの, tabemono) = “food”
· が (ga) = subject marker
· 好き (すき, suki) = “like” or “is liked”
· です (desu) = polite ending, equivalent to “is”
雨【あめ】 (ame)
Noun, Rain
It will rain tomorrow.
· 明日 (あした, ashita) = “tomorrow”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· 雨 (あめ, ame) = “rain”
· が (ga) = subject marker
· 降る (ふる, furu) = “will fall” (indicating the action of rain falling)
飴【あめ】 (ame)
Noun, candy
I also want that candy.
· 私 (わたし, watashi) = “I”
· も (mo) = “also”
· その (sono) = “that”
· 飴 (あめ, ame) = “candy”
· が (ga) = subject marker
· 欲しい (ほしい, hoshii) = “want”
· です (desu) = polite ending
あなた (anata)
Pronoun, you
What did you write on the calendar?
· あなた (anata) = “you”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· カレンダー (karendā) = “calendar”
· に (ni) = location/direction particle (“on/in”)
· 何 (nani) = “what”
· を (wo) = object marker
· 書いた (kaita) = “wrote” (past tense of “write”)
· の (no) = question particle (adds an informal/explanatory tone)
姉【あね】 (ane)
Noun, older sister; elder sister
My older sister is tall.
· 私 (わたし, watashi) = “I”
· の (no) = possessive marker (“‘s” or “of”) → 私の = “my”
· 姉 (あね, ane) = “older sister” (used when talking about your own sister)
· は (wa) = topic marker
· 背 (せ, se) = “height” or “stature”
· が (ga) = subject marker
· 高い (たかい, takai) = “tall” or “high”
兄【あに】 (ani)
Noun, elder brother; older brother
I have an older brother.
· 私 (わたし, watashi) = “I”
· に (ni) = indirect object marker (indicates possession in this case)
· は (wa) = topic marker
· 兄 (あに, ani) = “older brother” (used when talking about your own brother)
· が (ga) = subject marker
· います (imasu) = “exists” (used for living things)
あの (ano)
Pre-noun adjectival, that
Is that cat big?
· あの (ano) = “that” (referring to something specific, usually far from the speaker but known to both)
· 猫 (ねこ, neko) = “cat”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· 大きい (おおきい, ookii) = “big”
· です (desu) = polite sentence-ending particle (“is”)
· か (ka) = question marker
青【あお】 (ao)
Pre-noun adjectival, that
I love green apples.
· 青りんご (あおりんご, ao ringo) = “green apple” (literally “blue apple” since Japanese often uses 青 (ao) for green in some contexts)
· が (ga) = subject marker
· 大好き (だいすき, daisuki) = “love” or “really like” (a stronger version of 好き (suki))
· です (desu) = polite sentence-ending particle (“is”)
アパート (apaato)
Noun, Katakana, apartment
I want to go see that apartment.
· 私 (わたし, watashi) = “I”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· その (sono) = “that” (near the listener)
· アパート (apāto) = “apartment”
· を (wo/o) = object marker
· 見に (みに, mi ni) = “to see” (the に indicates purpose, meaning “in order to see”)
· 行きたい (いきたい, ikitai) = “want to go” (たい-form of 行く, meaning “to go”)
洗う【あらう】 (arau)
Verb, Godan verb, Transitive verb, (to wash)
This shirt was washed white.
· この (kono) = “this”
· シャツ (shatsu) = “shirt”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· 洗う (あらう, arau) = “to wash”
· と (to) = conditional particle (“when” or “if”)
· 白く (しろく, shiroku) = “white” (adverbial form of 白い, shiroi)
· なった (natta) = “became” (past tense of なる, naru, meaning “to become”)
あれ (are)
Pronoun, that
What’s that?
· あれ (are) = “that” (something far from both the speaker and listener)
· は (wa) = topic marker
· 何 (なに, nani) = “what”
· だ (da) = casual form of “is” (copula)
ある (aru)
Verb, Godan verb, Intransitive verb, (to be, to have)
I have time now.
· 私 (わたし, watashi) = “I”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· 今 (いま, ima) = “now”
· じかん (jikan) = “time”
· が (ga) = subject marker
· ある (aru) = “there is” (used for inanimate objects or concepts like time)
歩く【あるく】 (aruku)
Verb,( to walk)
I usually go by walking.
· たいてい (taitei) = “usually”
· 歩いて (あるいて, aruite) = “walking” (te-form of 歩く, aruku, meaning “to walk”)
· 行きます (いきます, ikimasu) = “go” (polite form of 行く, iku, meaning “to go”)
朝【あさ】 (asa)
Noun, morning
I wake up at 6AM every morning.
· 私 (わたし, watashi) = “I”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· 毎朝 (まいあさ, mai asa) = “every morning”
· 6時 (ろくじ, roku ji) = “6 o’clock”
· に (ni) = time marker (“at”)
· 起きます (おきます, okimasu) = “wake up” (polite form of 起きる, okiru)
朝ご飯【あさごはん】 (asagohan)
Noun, breakfast
I have not eaten breakfast yet.
· 私 (わたし, watashi) = “I”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· まだ (mada) = “yet” or “still” (used in a negative sentence to mean “not yet”)
· 朝ご飯 (あさごはん, asagohan) = “breakfast”
· を (wo/o) = object marker
· 食べて (たべて, tabete) = “eat” (te-form of 食べる, taberu)
· いません (imasen) = negative form of いる (iru), used to indicate an incomplete action
明後日【あさって】 (asatte)
Noun, day after tomorrow
The day after tomorrow is my birthday.
· 明後日 (あさって, asatte) = “the day after tomorrow”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· 僕 (ぼく, boku) = “I” (a casual/male pronoun)
· の (no) = possessive marker (“‘s”)
· 誕生日 (たんじょうび, tanjōbi) = “birthday”
· です (desu) = polite sentence-ending particle (“is”)
足【あし】 (ashi)
Noun, foot; leg; paw; arm
Her legs/feet are beautiful, aren’t they?
· 彼女 (かのじょ, kanojo) = “she” or “her”
· の (no) = possessive marker (“‘s”) → 彼女の = “her”
· 足 (あし, ashi) = “legs” or “feet” (Japanese does not differentiate between the two)
· は (wa) = topic marker
· きれい (kirei) = “beautiful” or “clean”
· ですね (desu ne) = polite sentence-ending particle expressing agreement or seeking confirmation (“isn’t it?” / “right?”)
明日【あした】 (ashita)
Noun, tomorrow
I will go to Tokyo tomorrow.
· 明日 (あした, ashita) = “tomorrow”
· 東京 (とうきょう, Tōkyō) = “Tokyo”
· へ (e) = direction particle (“to”)
· 行きます (いきます, ikimasu) = “go” (polite form of 行く, iku)
遊ぶ【あそぶ】 (asobu)
Verb, to play; to enjoy oneself
My child is playing in the garden.
· うち (uchi) = “my” or “our” (often used to refer to one’s own family)
· の (no) = possessive marker (“‘s”)
· 子 (こ, ko) = “child”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· 庭 (にわ, niwa) = “garden” or “yard”
· で (de) = location marker (“in” or “at”)
· 遊んでいる (あそんでいる, asonde iru) = “is playing” (te-form + いる to indicate ongoing action)
あそこ (asoko)
Pronoun, over there
I want to go over there.
· 私 (わたし, watashi) = “I”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· あそこ (asoko) = “over there” (a place far from both the speaker and listener)
· へ (e) = direction particle (“to”)
· 行きたい (いきたい, ikitai) = “want to go” (たい-form of 行く (iku, “to go”))
頭【あたま】 (atama)
Noun, head
My head has been hurting since yesterday.
· 昨日 (きのう, kinō) = “yesterday”
· から (kara) = “since” or “from”
· 私 (わたし, watashi) = “I” / “my”
· の (no) = possessive marker (“‘s”)
· 頭 (あたま, atama) = “head”
· が (ga) = subject marker
· 痛い (いたい, itai) = “hurts” / “painful”
· です (desu) = polite sentence-ending particle (“is”)
新しい【あたらしい】 (atarashii)
Adjective, new; novel; fresh; recent; latest
I want a new smartphone.
· 新しい (あたらしい, atarashii) = “new”
· スマホ (sumaho) = “smartphone” (short for スマートフォン, “smartphone”)
· が (ga) = subject marker
· 欲しい (ほしい, hoshii) = “want” (used for expressing desire for a noun)
暖かい【あたたかい】 (atatakai)
Adjective, warm
Today is warm, isn’t it?
· 今日 (きょう, kyō) = “today”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· 暖かい (あたたかい, atatakai) = “warm” (used for weather and things that feel warm)
· ですね (desu ne) = sentence-ending particle expressing agreement or seeking confirmation (“isn’t it?” / “right?”)
後【あと】 (ato)
Noun, behind; after; remainder; left; also
I will sleep after this.
· この (kono) = “this”
· 後 (あと, ato) = “after”
· 寝ます (ねます, nemasu) = “sleep” (polite form of 寝る (neru, “to sleep”))
暑い【あつい】 (atsui)
Adjective, hot; sultry
Today is hot, isn’t it?
· 今日 (きょう, kyō) = “today”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· 暑い (あつい, atsui) = “hot” (used for weather)
· ですね (desu ne) = sentence-ending particle expressing agreement or seeking confirmation (“isn’t it?” / “right?”)
厚い【あつい】 (atsui)
Adjective, thick
I cut vegetables thickly
· 私 (わたし, watashi) = “I”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· やさい (yasai) = “vegetables”
· を (wo/o) = object marker
· 厚く (あつく, atsuku) = “thickly” (adverbial form of 厚い (atsui, meaning “thick”))
· 切る (きる, kiru) = “cut” (plain form)
熱い【あつい】 (atsui)
Adjective, hot
This tea is very hot.
· この (kono) = “this”
· お茶 (おちゃ, ocha) = “tea”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· とても (totemo) = “very”
· あつい (atsui) = “hot” (used for things like food and drinks)
· です (desu) = polite sentence-ending particle (“is”)
会う【あう】 (au)
Verb, to meet; to encounter; to see
I saw a friend yesterday.
· 昨日 (きのう, kinō) = “yesterday”
· 友だち (ともだち, tomodachi) = “friend”
· に (ni) = indirect object marker (indicating “to” or “with” in this case)
· 会いました (あいました, aimashita) = “met” (past polite form of 会う (au, “to meet”))
晩ご飯【ばんごはん】 (bangohan)
Noun, dinner; evening meal.
I am going to eat dinner now
· 私 (わたし, watashi) = “I”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· これから (korekara) = “from now on” / “soon” / “now”
· 晩ご飯 (ばんごはん, bangohan) = “dinner”
· を (wo/o) = object marker
· 食べます (たべます, tabemasu) = “eat” (polite form of 食べる (taberu, “to eat”))
番号【ばんごう】 (bangou)
Noun, number
I made a mistake with that number.
· 私 (わたし, watashi) = “I”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· その (sono) = “that” (near the listener)
· ばんごう (番号, bangō) = “number”
· を (wo/o) = object marker
· 間違えました (まちがえました, machigaemashita) = “made a mistake” (past polite form of 間違える (machigaeru, “to make a mistake”))
バス (basu)
Noun, Katakana, bus
I get off the bus.
· 私 (わたし, watashi) = “I”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· バス (basu) = “bus”
· を (wo/o) = object marker
· 降りる (おりる, oriru) = “get off” / “disembark”
バター (bataa)
Noun, Katakana, butter
Do you have butter on your toast?
· トースト (tōsuto) = “toast”
· には (ni wa) = “on” (combination of the particle に indicating direction/place and は indicating the topic)
· バター (batā) = “butter”
· を (wo/o) = object marker
· つけますか (tsukemasu ka) = “do you put?” (polite form of つける (tsukeru, “to put on” or “apply”))
ベッド (beddo)
Noun, Katakana, bed
The baby is sleeping in the bed.
· 赤ちゃん (あかちゃん, akachan) = “baby”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· ベッド (beddo) = “bed”
· で (de) = location marker (“in” or “at”)
· 寝ています (ねています, nete imasu) = “is sleeping” (continuous form of 寝る (neru, “to sleep”))
勉強【べんきょう】 (benkyou)
Noun, Suru verb, to study.
“I dislike studying.”
· 私 (わたし, watashi) = “I”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· べんきょう (勉強, benkyō) = “studying”
· が (ga) = subject marker
· 嫌いだ (きらいだ, kirai da) = “dislike” (casual form of 嫌い (kirai, “dislike”))
便利【べんり】 (benri)
な-adjective, convenient; handy; useful.
“That is very convenient, isn’t it?”
· それ (sore) = “that”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· とても (totemo) = “very”
· べんり (便利, benri) = “convenient”
· ですね (desu ne) = sentence-ending particle seeking confirmation (“isn’t it?” / “right?”)
ボールペン (boorupen)
Noun, Katakana, ball-point
Write with a ballpoint pen.
· ボールペン (bōrupen) = “ballpoint pen”
· で (de) = means or method particle (“with” or “using”)
· 書いて (かいて, kaite) = “write” (te-form of 書く (kaku, “to write”))
· ください (kudasai) = polite request form (“please”)
ボタン (botan)
, button
“Which button should I press?”
· どの (dono) = “which” (used for choosing from a set of things)
· ボタン (botan) = “button”
· を (wo/o) = object marker
· 押せばいいですか (おせばいいですか, oseba ii desu ka) = “should I press?”
- 押せば (おせば, oseba) = conditional form of 押す (osu, “to press”)
- いい (ii) = “good” or “OK”
- ですか (desu ka) = polite question marker
帽子【ぼうし】 (boushi)
hat; cap |
Please take off your hat.
· 帽子 (ぼうし, bōshi) = “hat”
· を (wo/o) = object marker
· ぬぎなさい (nuginasai) = “take off” (imperative form of ぬぐ (nugu, “to take off” or “remove”))
文章【ぶんしょう】 (bunshou)
Noun, sentence
“I am bad at writing sentences.”
· 私 (わたし, watashi) = “I”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· 文章 (ぶんしょう, bunshō) = “sentence(s)” / “writing”
· が (ga) = subject marker
· 下手 (へた, heta) = “unskillful” / “bad at”
· です (desu) = polite sentence-ending particle (“is”)
豚肉 【ぶたにく】 (butaniku)
Noun, pork
“Can you eat pork?”
· あなた (anata) = “you”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· ぶたにく (豚肉, butaniku) = “pork” (literally “pig meat”)
· を (wo/o) = object marker
· 食べられますか (たべられますか, taberaremasu ka) = “can eat?” (polite potential form of 食べる (taberu, “to eat”))
病院【びょういん】 (byouin)
Noun, hospital
Are you going to the hospital?
· 病院 (びょういん, byōin) = “hospital”
· に (ni) = direction marker (“to”)
· 行きます (いきます, ikimasu) = “go” (polite form of 行く (iku, “to go”))
· か? (ka?) = question marker
病気【びょうき】 (byouki)
Noun, illness
I have been sick since last week.
· 私 (わたし, watashi) = “I”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· 先週 (せんしゅう, senshū) = “last week”
· から (kara) = “since” / “from”
· 病気 (びょうき, byōki) = “illness” / “sick”
· です (desu) = polite sentence-ending particle (“am/is/are”)
茶色【ちゃいろ】 (chairo)
Noun, brown
His shoes are brown.
· 彼 (かれ, kare) = “he” / “him”
· の (no) = possessive particle (“his”)
· 靴 (くつ, kutsu) = “shoes”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· ちゃいろ (茶色, chairo) = “brown”
· だ (da) = casual form of “is” (です in polite form)
茶碗【ちゃわん】 (chawan)
Noun, rice bowl; tea cup; teacup.
This rice bowl is lovely, isn’t it?
· この (kono) = “this”
· ちゃわん (茶碗, chawan) = “rice bowl” / “tea bowl”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· すてき (素敵, suteki) = “lovely” / “wonderful” / “nice”
· ですね (desu ne) = sentence-ending particle seeking confirmation (“isn’t it?” / “right?”)
父【ちち】 (chichi)
Noun, father
My father is well.” / “My father is doing fine.
· 父 (ちち, chichi) = “father” (referring to one’s own father)
· は (wa) = topic marker
· 元気 (げんき, genki) = “healthy” / “well” / “energetic”
· です (desu) = polite sentence-ending particle (“is”)
違う【ちがう】 (chigau)
Verb, to differ
Why is this different?
- なぜ (naze) = “why”
- これ (kore) = “this”
- は (wa) = topic marker
- ちがう (違う, chigau) = “different” / “wrong”
- のですか (no desu ka) = explanatory question ending (adds emphasis or seeks clarification)
小さい【ちいさい】 (chiisai)
Adjective, small; little; tiny
“It is small.”
· それ (sore) = “it” / “that”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· 小さい (ちいさい, chiisai) = “small”
。 = punctuation mark (period)
小さな【ちいさな】 (chiisana)
Pre-noun adjectival, small; little; tiny
“It looked like a small mountain.”
· それ (sore) = “it” / “that”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· 小さな (ちいさな, chiisana) = “small” (adjective in its attributive form)
· 山 (やま, yama) = “mountain”
· の (no) = linking particle (turns the preceding noun into an adjective modifier for the next noun)
· ように (yō ni) = “like” / “in the way of”
· 見えました (みえました, miemashita) = “looked” (polite past form of 見える (mieru, “to look” or “to appear”))
近い【ちかい】 (chikai)
い-adjective, near; close
“My house is close to the school.”
· 僕 (ぼく, boku) = “I” (informal, often used by males)
· の (no) = possessive particle (“my”)
· 家 (いえ, ie) = “house”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· 学校 (がっこう, gakkō) = “school”
· に (ni) = direction marker (“to” or “toward”)
· ちかい (近い, chikai) = “close” / “near”
· です (desu) = polite sentence-ending particle (“is”)
地下鉄【ちかてつ】 (chikatetsu)
Noun, subway; underground train
I go to school by subway.
· 私 (わたし, watashi) = “I”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· 地下鉄 (ちかてつ, chikatetsu) = “subway”
· で (de) = means or method marker (“by” or “with”)
· 学校 (がっこう, gakkō) = “school”
· に (ni) = direction marker (“to”)
· 行く (いく, iku) = “go” (plain form)
地図【ちず】 (chizu)
Noun, map
This street is not on the map.
· この (kono) = “this”
· 通り (とおり, tōri) = “street”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· 地図 (ちず, chizu) = “map”
· に (ni) = direction marker (indicating location on the map)
· 載っていません (のっていません, notteimasen) = “is not listed” / “is not on” (negative form of 載る (noru, “to be listed” or “to appear on a map”))
ちょっと (chotto)
Adverb, a little
Please wait a moment.
· ちょっと (chotto) = “a little” / “a moment”
· 待って (まって, matte) = “wait” (te-form of 待つ (matsu, “to wait”))
· ください (kudasai) = polite request form (“please”)
丁度【ちょうど】 (choudo)
Adverb, exactly
“I was just about to go to sleep.”
· 私 (わたし, watashi) = “I”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· ちょうど (chōdo) = “just” / “exactly”
· 寝る (ねる, neru) = “to sleep”
· ところ (tokoro) = “point” or “stage” (used to express an action that was about to happen)
· だった (datta) = past tense of だ (da, the copula, equivalent to “was”)
台所【だいどころ】 (daidokoro)
Noun, kitchen
“May I use this kitchen?”
· この (kono) = “this”
· 台所 (だいどころ, daidokoro) = “kitchen”
· を (wo/o) = object marker
· 使ってもいい (つかってもいい, tsukattemo ii) = “Is it okay to use?” (te-form of 使う (tsukau, “to use”) + もいい (mo ii, “is okay to”))
· ですか (desu ka) = polite question marker
大学【だいがく】 (daigaku)
Noun, university; college
· どこ (doko) = “where” / “which place”
· の (no) = possessive particle (modifies “university” to mean “which university”)
· 大学 (だいがく, daigaku) = “university”
· に (ni) = direction marker (“to”)
· 行きたい (いきたい, ikitai) = “want to go” (たい-form of 行く (iku, “to go”))
· ですか (desu ka) = polite question marker
大丈夫【だいじょうぶ】 (daijoubu)
Adjective, OK; okay; alright; problem free
“Are you okay?” / “Is everything alright?”
· 大丈夫 (だいじょうぶ, daijōbu) = “okay” / “alright” / “safe”
· です (desu) = polite sentence-ending particle (“is”)
· か (ka) = question marker
大好き【だいすき】 (daisuki)
Adjective, love; like; like very much
“I love you!” / “I really love it!”
· 大好き (だいすき, daisuki) = “love” / “really like”
· だ (da) = casual form of “is” (used for strong statements)
· よ (yo) = sentence-ending particle for emphasis
だんだん (dandan)
Adverb, gradually
I’m gradually getting sleepy.
· 私 (わたし, watashi) = “I”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· だんだん (dandan) = “gradually” / “little by little”
· 眠く (ねむく, nemuku) = “sleepy” (adjective 眠い (nemui, “sleepy”) in adverbial form)
· なって (natte) = te-form of なる (naru, “to become”)
· きた (kita) = past form of くる (kuru, “to come”), often used to indicate a gradual change
誰【だれ】 (dare)
Pronoun, who
“Who is your favorite singer?”
· 好きな (すきな, sukina) = “favorite” / “liked” (adjective form of 好き (suki, “like”))
· 歌手 (かしゅ, kashu) = “singer”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· 誰 (だれ, dare) = “who”
· ですか (desu ka) = polite question marker
誰か 【だれか】 (dareka)
Pronoun, someone; somebody
Someone is in the toilet.” / “There is someone in the bathroom.
· トイレ (toire) = “toilet” / “bathroom”
· の (no) = possessive particle (“of” / “in”)
· 中 (なか, naka) = “inside”
· に (ni) = location marker (“in” / “at”)
· 誰か (だれか, dareka) = “someone”
· が (ga) = subject marker
· います (imasu) = “is” / “exists” (used for living things)
出す【だす】 (dasu)
Verb, to take out; to get out; to put out; to reveal
Cheer up!” / “Stay strong!
· 元気 (げんき, genki) = “energy” / “spirit” / “health”
· を (wo/o) = object marker
· 出して (だして, dashite) = te-form of 出す (dasu, “to bring out” / “to put forth”)
出口【でぐち】 (deguchi)
Noun, exit; gateway; way out
I don’t know the exit.” / “I can’t find the exit.
· 出口 (でぐち, deguchi) = “exit”
· が (ga) = subject marker
· わからない (wakaranai) = “don’t know” / “don’t understand” (negative form of わかる (wakaru, “to understand” / “to know”))
出かける【でかける】 (dekakeru)
Verb, to go out; to leave; to depart
I’m going out to school.
· 学校 (がっこう, gakkō) = “school”
· へ (e) = direction marker (“to” / “toward”)
· 出かける (でかける, dekakeru) = “to go out” / “to leave for somewhere”
電気【でんき】 (denki)
Noun, electricity
“May I turn off that light?”
· その (sono) = “that” (near the listener)
· 電気 (でんき, denki) = “electricity” / “light”
· を (wo/o) = object marker
· 消して (けして, keshite) = te-form of 消す (kesu, “to turn off”)
· も (mo) = “even” / “also” (used here to indicate permission)
· いい (ii) = “good” / “okay”
· ですか (desu ka) = polite question marker
電車【でんしゃ】 (densha)
Noun, train; electric train
“Let’s go by train.”
· 電車 (でんしゃ, densha) = “train”
· で (de) = means/method marker (“by” in this case)
· 行きましょう (いきましょう, ikimashou) = “let’s go” (polite volitional form of 行く (iku, “to go”))
電話【でんわ】 (denwa)
Noun, telephone (call / device)l; phone call
“It’s the phone.” / “You have a call.”
· 電話 (でんわ, denwa) = “telephone” / “phone call”
· です (desu) = polite copula (“is”)
· よ (yo) = sentence-ending particle for emphasis or informing someone
デパート (depaato)
Noun, department store
“I met him at the department store.”
· 私 (わたし, watashi) = “I”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· 彼 (かれ, kare) = “him” / “he”
· に (ni) = indirect object marker (indicating the person one meets)
· デパート (depāto) = “department store”
· で (de) = location marker (“at”)
· 会いました (あいました, aimashita) = “met” (past tense of 会う (au, “to meet”))
出る【でる】 (deru)
Verb, to leave; to exit; to appear; to go out
Answer the phone.” / “Pick up the phone.
· 電話 (でんわ, denwa) = “telephone” / “phone call”
· に (ni) = direction marker (“to” / “on”)
· 出る (でる, deru) = “to answer” / “to go out” / “to appear” (in this case, “to answer the phone”)
ドア (doa)
Noun, door
Please close the door.
· ドア (doa) = “door”
· を (wo/o) = object marker
· 閉めて (しめて, shimete) = te-form of 閉める (shimeru, “to close”)
· ください (kudasai) = polite request form (“please”)
どっち (docchi)
Pronoun, which; which one
Which team is winning?
· どっち (docchi) = “which” (informal, used when choosing between two options)
· の (no) = possessive particle, used here to modify “team”
· チーム (chīmu) = “team”
· が (ga) = subject marker
· 勝っている (かっている, katte iru) = “is winning” (te-form of 勝つ (katsu, “to win”) + いる (iru, indicating ongoing action)
どちら (dochira)
Pronoun, which of two
“Which one do you like?”
· どちら (dochira) = “which one” (polite form of どっち (docchi), used for two options)
· が (ga) = subject marker
· 好き (すき, suki) = “like” / “favorite”
· ですか (desu ka) = polite question marker
どこ (doko)
Pronoun, where; what place
“Where are you from?”
· あなた (anata) = “you”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· どこ (doko) = “where”
· から (kara) = “from” (indicating origin or starting point)
· 来た (きた, kita) = past tense of 来る (kuru, “to come”)
· の (no) = casual question marker (used to seek an explanation or reason)
どなた (donata)
Noun, who
“Who are you?” (polite)
· あなた (anata) = “you”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· どなた (donata) = “who” (polite form of だれ (dare), used in formal contexts)
· ですか (desu ka) = polite question marker
どの (dono)
Pre-noun adjectival,
which |
“Which car are you in?” (polite)
· どの (dono) = “which” (used for selecting one item from a known set)
· 車 (くるま, kuruma) = “car”
· に (ni) = direction/location marker (“in” or “on”)
· お (o) = honorific prefix, used to show respect
· 乗り (のり, nori) = stem of 乗る (noru, “to ride” or “to get on”)
· ですか (desu ka) = polite question marker
どれ (dore)
which (of three or more) |
“Which one is your book?”
· あなた (anata) = “you”
· の (no) = possessive particle (“your”)
· 本 (ほん, hon) = “book”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· どれ (dore) = “which one” (referring to a selection of items)
· ですか (desu ka) = polite question marker
どう (dou)
Adverb, how; in what way; how about
“How about this?” / “What about this?”
· これ (kore) = “this”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· どう (dou) = “how” / “what” (used to ask about something)
· ですか (desu ka) = polite question marker
動物【どうぶつ】 (doubutsu)
Noun, animal
“What is your favorite animal?”
· 好きな (すきな, sukina) = “favorite” / “liked”
· 動物 (どうぶつ, doubutsu) = “animal”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· 何 (なに, nani) = “what”
· ですか (desu ka) = polite question marker
どうも (doumo)
Adverb, thank you; thanks
“Thank you for the card.”
· カード (kaado) = “card”
· を (wo/o) = object marker
· どうも (doumo) = “thank you” / “thanks” (informal, but polite)
· ありがとう (arigatou) = “thank you”
どうぞ (douzo)
Adverb, please
“Please come this way.” / “This way, please.”
· どうぞ (douzo) = “please” / “go ahead” (polite invitation)
· こちら (kochira) = “this way” / “here” (polite form)
· へ (e) = direction marker (“to” / “toward”)
土曜日【どようび】 (doyoubi)
Noun, Saturday
“There is a soccer match on Saturday.”
· 土曜日 (どようび, doyōbi) = “Saturday”
· に (ni) = time marker (“on” or “at” for specific time)
· サッカー (sakkā) = “soccer”
· の (no) = possessive particle (“of”)
· 試合 (しあい, shiai) = “match” / “game”
· が (ga) = subject marker
· ある (aru) = “there is” (used for inanimate objects or events)
絵【え】 (e)
Noun, picture
“Who drew this picture?”
· この (kono) = “this”
· 絵 (え, e) = “picture” / “painting”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· 誰 (だれ, dare) = “who”
· が (ga) = subject marker
· 描いた (かいた, kaita) = past tense of 描く (kaku, “to draw”)
· の (no) = question marker (seeking explanation or identification)
· ですか (desu ka) = polite question marker
ええ (ee)
Noun, yes; that is correct; right
“Yes, that’s right.”
· ええ (ee) = “yes” (polite or casual)
· そうです (sou desu) = “that’s right” / “that’s so”
映画【えいが】 (eiga)
Noun, movie; film
“The movie was interesting.”
· その (sono) = “that” (referring to something near the listener)
· 映画 (えいが, eiga) = “movie”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· 面白かった (おもしろかった, omoshirokatta) = past tense of 面白い (omoshiroi, “interesting” / “fun”)
映画館【えいがかん】 (eigakan)
Noun, movie theater; cinema
“I often go to the cinema.”
· 私 (わたし, watashi) = “I”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· しばしば (shibashiba) = “often”
· 映画館 (えいがかん, eigakan) = “cinema” / “movie theater”
· に (ni) = location marker (indicating direction)
· 行きます (いきます, ikimasu) = polite present/future tense of 行く (iku, “to go”)
英語【えいご】 (eigo)
Noun, English language
“I’m not good at English.”
· 私 (わたし, watashi) = “I”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· 英語 (えいご, eigo) = “English”
· が (ga) = subject marker
· 苦手 (にがて, nigate) = “not good at” / “weak at”
· だ (da) = casual copula (informal “is”)
駅【えき】 (eki)
Noun, English language
“I plan to get off at the next station.”
· 私 (わたし, watashi) = “I”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· 次の (つぎの, tsugi no) = “next”
· 駅 (えき, eki) = “station”
· で (de) = location marker (indicating where the action happens)
· 降りる (おりる, oriru) = “to get off” / “to descend”
· つもり (tsumori) = “plan” / “intention”
· です (desu) = polite ending
鉛筆【えんぴつ】 (enpitsu)
Noun, pencil
Is this your pencil?
· これ (kore) = “this”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· 君 (きみ, kimi) = “your” (informal, used for people close to you or those of lower status)
· の (no) = possessive particle (“of” / “your”)
· えんぴつ (enpitsu) = “pencil”
· ですか (desu ka) = polite question marker
エレベーター (erebeetaa)
Noun, elevator
“Where is the elevator?”
· エレベーター (erebētā) = “elevator”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· どこ (doko) = “where”
· ですか (desu ka) = polite question marker
フィルム (firumu)
Noun, film
This camera is not loaded with film.
· この (kono) = “this”
· カメラ (kamera) = “camera”
· に (ni) = location marker (“in”)
· は (wa) = topic marker
· フィルム (firumu) = “film”
· が (ga) = subject marker
· 入っていない (はいっていない, haitte inai) = negative form of 入っている (haitte iru, “to be inside”) → “is not inside”
フォーク (fooku)
Noun, fork
A fork fell off the table.
· フォーク (fōku) = “fork”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· テーブル (tēburu) = “table”
· から (kara) = “from”
· 落ちた (おちた, ochita) = past tense of 落ちる (ochiru, “to fall”)
服【ふく】 (fuku)
clothes |
Those clothes are cute.
· その (sono) = “that” (near the listener)
· 服 (ふく, fuku) = “clothing” / “outfit”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· 可愛い (かわいい, kawaii) = “cute”
· ですね (desu ne) = polite ending + confirmation (“isn’t it?” / “right?”)
吹く【ふく】 (fuku)
Verb, to blow (of the wind)
The wind blew westerly.
· 風 (かぜ, kaze) = “wind”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· 西 (にし, nishi) = “west”
· から (kara) = “from”
· ふいた (吹いた, fuita) = past tense of 吹く (fuku, “to blow”)
降る【ふる】 (furu)
Verb, to fall
“Last winter, it didn’t snow at all.”
· 去年 (きょねん, kyonen) = “last year”
· の (no) = possessive particle (connecting “last year” to “winter”)
· 冬 (ふゆ, fuyu) = “winter”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· 雪 (ゆき, yuki) = “snow”
· が (ga) = subject marker
· まったく (mattaku) = “not at all” (used with negatives)
· 降らなかった (ふらなかった, furanakatta) = past negative form of 降る (furu, “to fall” – used for rain or snow)
古い【ふるい】 (furui)
い-adjective, old (not used for people)
This car is old.
· この (kono) = “this”
· 車 (くるま, kuruma) = “car”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· 古い (ふるい, furui) = “old” (for objects, not people)
· です (desu) = polite ending
二人【ふたり】 (futari)
, two people; pair; couple
“Let’s go together (just the two of us).”
· 二人 (ふたり, futari) = “two people” / “the two of us”
· で (de) = indicates a group or means of action (“together as two people”)
· 行こう (いこう, ikou) = volitional form of 行く (iku, “to go”), meaning “let’s go”
二つ【ふたつ】 (futatsu)
two; 2 |
“Please give me two.”
· 二つ (ふたつ, futatsu) = “two” (general counter for objects)
· を (wo/o) = object marker
· ください (kudasai) = “please give me” / “please” (polite request)
太い【ふとい】 (futoi)
Adjective, fat; thick
“Your arms are thick.”
· あなた (anata) = “you”
· の (no) = possessive particle (“your”)
· うで (腕, ude) = “arm”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· 太い (ふとい, futoi) = “thick” / “big” (used for body parts, pens, trees, etc.)
· ですね (desu ne) = polite ending + confirmation (“isn’t it?” / “right?”)
二日【ふつか】 (futsuka)
Noun, the second day of the month / 2 days
“My birthday is on February 2nd.”
· 私の (わたしの, watashi no) = “my”
· 誕生日 (たんじょうび, tanjōbi) = “birthday”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· 二月 (にがつ, nigatsu) = “February”
· 二日 (ふつか, futsuka) = “2nd” (of the month)
· です (desu) = polite ending
封筒【ふうとう】 (fuutou)
Noun, envelope
“Excuse me, do you have an envelope?”
· すみません (sumimasen) = “Excuse me” / “I’m sorry”
· ふうとう (封筒, fūtō) = “envelope”
· が (ga) = subject marker
· ありますか (arimasu ka) = polite question form of ある (aru, “to exist” for inanimate objects), meaning “do you have?”
冬【ふゆ】 (fuyu)
Noun, winter
“Last winter, it didn’t snow at all.”
· 去年 (きょねん, kyonen) = “last year”
· の (no) = possessive particle (connecting “last year” to “winter”)
· 冬 (ふゆ, fuyu) = “winter”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· 雪 (ゆき, yuki) = “snow”
· が (ga) = subject marker
· まったく (mattaku) = “not at all” (used with negatives)
· 降らなかった (ふらなかった, furanakatta) = past negative form of 降る (furu, “to fall” – used for rain or snow)
外国【がいこく】 (gaikoku)
foreign country |
“I will go abroad.”
· 外国 (がいこく, gaikoku) = “foreign country” / “abroad”
· に (ni) = location marker (indicating direction or goal of the action)
· 行く (いく, iku) = “to go”
外国人【がいこくじん】 (gaikokujin)
Noun, foreigner; foreign citizen; foreign national; alien; non-Japanese
· わたし (私, watashi) = “I”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· がいこくじん (外国人, gaikokujin) = “foreigner”
· と (to) = “with” (indicating the person being spoken to)
· はなした (話した, hanashita) = past tense of 話す (hanasu, “to speak”)
· こと (koto) = “thing” / “experience” (used to express having done something before)
· が (ga) = subject marker
· ない (nai) = “not” (negative form)
学校【がっこう】 (gakkou)
Noun, school
“How was school today?”
· 今日 (きょう, kyō) = “today”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· 学校 (がっこう, gakkō) = “school”
· どう (dō) = “how”
· だった (datta) = past tense of です (desu, “was”)
学生【がくせい】 (gakusei)
Noun, school
“I am a student.”
· 私 (わたし, watashi) = “I”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· 学生 (がくせい, gakusei) = “student”
· です (desu) = polite ending (equivalent to “am” in this context)
玄関【げんかん】 (genkan)
Noun, entrance
“He is standing in the entrance.”
· 彼 (かれ, kare) = “he”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· げんかん (玄関, genkan) = “entrance” (the entryway of a house or building)
· に (ni) = location marker (“in” or “at”)
· 立っています (たっています, tatte imasu) = present continuous form of 立つ (tatsu, “to stand”), meaning “is standing”
元気【げんき】 (genki)
Noun, lively; full of spirit; energetic; healthy
“How are you?”
· お (o) = honorific prefix (adds politeness)
· 元気 (げんき, genki) = “health” / “vitality” / “well-being”
· です (desu) = polite ending
· か (ka) = question particle
月曜日【げつようび】 (getsuyoubi)
Noun, Monday
“I will go to Tokyo on Monday.”
· 月曜日 (げつようび, getsuyōbi) = “Monday”
· に (ni) = time marker (“on”)
· 東京 (とうきょう, Tōkyō) = “Tokyo”
· に (ni) = direction marker (“to”)
· 行きます (いきます, ikimasu) = polite form of 行く (iku, “to go”)
銀行【ぎんこう】 (ginkou)
Noun, bank
“I will go to the bank.”
· 私 (わたし, watashi) = “I”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· 銀行 (ぎんこう, ginkō) = “bank”
· に (ni) = direction marker (“to”)
· 行きます (いきます, ikimasu) = polite form of 行く (iku, “to go”)
ギター (gitaa)
Noun, guitar
“Whose guitar is this?”
· これ (kore) = “this”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· 誰 (だれ, dare) = “who”
· の (no) = possessive particle (“whose”)
· ギター (gitā) = “guitar”
· ですか (desu ka) = polite question ending
五【ご】 (go)
Noun, five; 5
“I always go to school at 7:45.”
· いつも (itsumo) = “always”
· 七時四十五分 (しちじよんじゅうごふん, shichi-ji yonjūgo-fun) = “7:45”
· に (ni) = time marker (“at”)
· 学校 (がっこう, gakkō) = “school”
· へ (e) = direction marker (“to”)
· 行きます (いきます, ikimasu) = polite form of 行く (iku, “to go”)
午後【ごご】 (gogo)
Noun, afternoon; p.m.
“I will go to the supermarket at 3 PM.”
· 午後 (ごご, gogo) = “PM” / “afternoon”
· 3時 (さんじ, san-ji) = “3 o’clock”
· に (ni) = time marker (“at”)
· スーパー (sūpā) = “supermarket”
· に (ni) = direction marker (“to”)
· 行きます (いきます, ikimasu) = polite form of 行く (iku, “to go”)
ご飯【ごはん】 (gohan)
Noun, cooked rice, meal
“Which do you prefer, rice or bread?”
· ご飯 (ごはん, gohan) = “rice” (or sometimes refers to a meal)
· と (to) = “and”
· パン (pan) = “bread”
· どちら (dochira) = “which” (more polite than どれ)
· が (ga) = subject marker
· いい (ii) = “good” / “better” (in this context, meaning “prefer”)
· ですか (desu ka) = polite question ending
午前【ごぜん】 (gozen)
Noun, morning; a.m.
“I went to the office at 10 AM.”
· 私 (わたし, watashi) = “I”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· 午前 (ごぜん, gozen) = “AM” / “morning”
· 10時 (じゅうじ, jū-ji) = “10 o’clock”
· に (ni) = time marker (“at”)
· 会社 (かいしゃ, kaisha) = “office” / “company”
· に (ni) = direction marker (“to”)
· 行きました (いきました, ikimashita) = past tense of 行く (iku, “to go”)
グラム (guramu)
Noun, gram
“How much is this per 100 grams?”
· これ (kore) = “this”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· 100グラム (ひゃくぐらむ, hyaku guramu) = “100 grams”
· が (ga) = subject marker
· いくら (ikura) = “how much” (price)
· ですか (desu ka) = polite question ending
牛肉【ぎゅうにく】 (gyuuniku)
Noun, beef
“This beef is very delicious.”
· この (kono) = “this”
· 牛肉 (ぎゅうにく, gyūniku) = “beef”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· とても (totemo) = “very”
· 美味しい (おいしい, oishii) = “delicious”
· です (desu) = polite ending
牛乳【ぎゅうにゅう】 (gyuunyuu)
Noun, (cow’s) milk
“I dislike milk.”
· 私 (わたし, watashi) = “I”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· ぎゅうにゅう (牛乳, gyūnyū) = “milk”
· が (ga) = subject marker
· 嫌い (きらい, kirai) = “dislike”
· です (desu) = polite ending
歯【は】 (ha)
Noun, tooth
“My tooth hurts.”
· 私の (わたしの, watashi no) = “my”
· は (ha) = topic marker (in this case, it refers to “tooth”)
· が (ga) = subject marker
· 痛い (いたい, itai) = “hurts” / “painful”
· です (desu) = polite ending
八【はち】 (hachi)
Noun, eight: 8
“I was born in August.”
· 私 (わたし, watashi) = “I”
· は (wa) = topic marker
· 八月 (はちがつ, hachigatsu) = “August”
· に (ni) = time marker (“in”)
· 生まれた (うまれた, umareta) = past tense of 生まれる (umareru, “to be born”)