SOP Sample 1 I was exposed to a stimulating academic atmosphere where learning and research go hand...
Author - shohal
Statement Of Purpose (SOP) Sample
What is SOP in Student Visa Your intent to study abroad is stated in a letter called a statement of...
IELTS Speaking Sample People,Places for Part 2
—— People —- Question Who How do you know them Describe them #Describe a friend...
1200 IELTS Listening Word (For 100% Preparation Complete)
1200 IELTS Listening Word Days of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday...
What is ChatGPT?
What is ChatGPT? ChatGPT is an open AI platform, here we can not search, you deliver your question...
How to recognize a noun, verb, adjective, or adverb
Noun, Verb, Adjective, or Adverb Noun — Person (Any name), Place (Any City, Country Name)...
IELTS Most Helpful Synonyms
IELTS Most Helpful Synonyms Synonyms is the most beautiful part on English word learning .Not only...
IELTS Speaking Sample Technology
Here you can find a full IELTS Speaking Sample Technology with questions related to Technology...
IELTS Speaking Sample Friends
Here you can find a full IELTS Speaking Sample Friends with questions related to Friend’s topic...
This IELTS Speaking sample has 3 parts with questions related to the Holidays topic. Part 1...