ViewState: 1. ViewState of a webform is available only with in that webform 2. ViewState is stored...
Author - shohal
Difference between sequence and identity in SQL Server
Difference between sequence and identity in SQL Server Sequence object is similar to the Identity...
Difference between except and not in sql server
Difference between except and not in sql server We will use the following 2 tables for this example...
Difference between EnableViewState and ViewStateMode properties
1. Using EnableViewState property we only have 2 options We can turn off view...
DATEFROMPARTS function in SQL Server
DATEFROMPARTS function in SQL Server The DATEFROMPARTS() function returns a date from the specified...
Difference between DateTime and SmallDateTime in SQL Server
The main difference is range: The range for SmallDateTime is January 1, 1900, through June 6, 2079...
In short, the dll hell problem is solved in .NET by signing the...
In dot net all the shared assemblies are usually in the GAC. GAC stands for Global Assembly Cache...
How .NET finds the assemblies during program execution
.NET finds the assemblies during program execution 1.NET figures out what version is needed :...
What is GAC. How and when to install an assembly into GAC
GAC GAC stands for Global Assembly Cache and contains strong named assemblies. Assemblies in the...
Strong naming of an assembly
Strong naming an assembly or Signing an assembly with a strong name. In .NET assemblies can be...