GUID(Globally Unique Identifier) is null or empty in SQL Server A GUID in SQL Server can generate...
Author - shohal
How Declare Dynamic SQL table name variable
Dynamic SQL table name variable I have a web page with a textbox as shown below. When I enter a...
Basic English 850 Words With Bangla
Basic English 850 Words With Bangla come-আসা , হওয়া , ঘটা , পাওয়া , প্রতিভাত হওয়া get-পাওয়া, অর্জন...
GK ICT Bangla
GK ICT Bangla ১0. পৃথিবীর প্রথম web browser-এর নাম কী? World Wide Web. এটি Sir Tim Berners-Lee ১৯৯০...
exec vs sp_executesql in SQL server
The difference between exec and sp_executesql. In SQL Servere we have 2 options to execute dynamic...
Events in the life cycle of a web application
In a web application, events can occur at 3 levels 1. At the Application Level(Example: Application...
Dynamic SQL vs Stored Procedure
Dynamic SQL vs Stored Procedure The advantages and disadvantages of Dynamic SQL and Stored...
Dynamic sql output parameter
Dynamic sql output parameter SQL script to create Employees tableCreate table Employees ( ID...
Dynamic SQL in Stored Procedure
Dynamic SQL in Stored Procedure Create Procedure spSearchEmployees @FirstName nvarchar(100) = NULL...
Different ways to replace NULL in sql server
Different ways to replace NULL in sql server In this session, we will learn about different ways to...