IP (Internet Protocol) Class
Author - shohal
IP (Internet Protocol)
What is an IP Address? ‘IP’ stands for ‘Internet Protocol’. There are two versions of IP that...
International GK
International GK Nobel Prizes 2020 The Nobel Prize in Physics 2020 *Roger Penrose (“for the...
Information Technology Quiz
Information Technology Quiz 1.Who programed the first computer game -‘Spacewar’ in 1962...
Indexes in sql server
Why indexes? Indexes are used by queries to find data from tables quickly. Indexes are created on...
Indexed views in sql server
What is an Indexed View or What happens when you create an Index on a view? A standard or Non...
IELTS IELTS= International English Language Testing System, ইংরেজি ভাষায় আপনার দক্ষতা যাচাই করার...
Identity column in SQL Server
SQL Server AUTO INCREMENT Field (Identity) The values for this column are automatically generated...
Information Technology General Knowledge ( ICT GK )
How and why does a SQL inner left-right full and even cross join...
How and why a SQL inner left-right full We have 2 tables – TableA and TableB. Both the tables...