Overall what is difference between public static and void? public − This is the access specifier...
Author - shohal
NTILE function in SQL Server
NTILE function Introduced in SQL Server 2005 ORDER BY Clause is required PARTITION BY clause is...
National National symbols of Bangladesh Flag of Bangladesh: The national Flag of Bangladesh...
Mikrotik Winbox
Mikrotik Winbox How to Configure and Maintain Mikrotik with Winbox.
MCQ 1000!
MCQ 1000! ওপেক (OPEC)-এর বর্তমান (২০১৬) সদস্য দেশ কতটি? Ans: ১৩টি জাতিসংঘ সাধারণ পরিষদের ৭০তম...
Mathematical functions in SQL server
Mathematical functions in SQL server we will understand the commonly used mathematical functions in...
Logon triggers in SQL server
Logon triggers in SQL server As the name implies Logon triggers fire in response to a LOGON event...
Latest Technology in IT Industry
Latest Technology in IT Industry Best Processors December 2020 AMD Ryzen 9 5950X DirectX 12.00...
Learn SQL
Learn SQL After learning HTML and CSS, you should consider SQL as your next target. If you wish to...
IIF function in SQL Server
IIF function Introduced in SQL Server 2012 Returns one of two the values, depending on whether the...