Step 1: Analyze the Existing System Identify application functionalities that need to be migrated...
Author - shohal
N5 Vocabulary For Reading and Grammar
@Common N5 Kanji and Words @N5 Reading Practice @Basic Japanese Grammar for N5 @JLPT N5 Vocabulary...
N5 listening (Common Word & Sentence)
何をしますか? (Nani o shimasu ka?), which means “What will you do?” or “What are you...
N5 Grammar
Basic Sentence Structure AはBです – “A is B” 私は学生です。(Watashi wa gakusei desu.) → I am a...
Hiragana and Katakana
Hiragana a i u e o あ (a) い (i) う (u) え (e) お (o)か (ka) き (ki) く (ku) け (ke) こ (ko)さ (sa) し (shi) す...
Reduce Database log size SQL Server
This is one of the best suggestion in which is done using query. Good for those who has a lot of...
100 Kanji For N5 Nat Japan Language
All 100 Japanese N5 Kanji You Must Know to Pass the JLPT N5 読。書。聞。話。。。Are you familiar with those...
503 Error Solution in Oracle Apex
This issue was generated for ORDS purposes. So, the solution of the 503 Error is restore the ORDS...
How to call Procedure in Oracle Apex.
How to declare Procedure in Oracle Apex -- Create the depart table CREATE TABLE depart (...
Intelligence Vision
Intelligent vision systems are computer-based innovations that collect and analyze visual data in...