Computer and Technology

Computer General Knowledge | Answer |
How many Bits makes one Byte? | 8 Bits. |
Google is a Browser or a Search Engine? | Search Engine. |
Printer is the example of which types of device, Output or Input? | Output device. |
What is the full form of RAM? | Random Access Memory. |
Who is the founder of Facebook? | Mark Zuckerberg. |
Which electronic component was used in first generation of computers? | Vaccum tubes. |
All mathematical and logical functions in the computer are done by? | Central Processing Unit. |
Attempts made by individuals to obtain confidential information from you by falsifying their identity are called? | Phising scams. |
Who was the programmer of Ms-Dos operating system? | Bill Gates. |
The first program that run on a computer when computer boots up is? | Operating System. |
Cache and main memory will lose their contents when the power is off because? | They are volatile. |
Full form of VIRUS is? | Virtual Information Resource Under Seize. |
The process of transferring files from Internet to your computer is called? | Downloading. |
The process of transferring files from your computer to the Internet is called? | Uploading. |
Buying and selling products and services over the Internet is called? | E-Commerce. |
1 Kilobyte is equal to how many bytes? | 1024 bytes. |
Who is called Father of Computer? | Charles Babbage. |
The man who built the first Mechanical Calculator was? | Blaise Pascal. |
When you purchase a product over a Mobile Phone, the transaction is called? | M-Commerce. |
Keyboard, Mouse, Joystick are examples of Output devices or Input Devices? | Input Devices. |
What is the address given to a computer connected to a network called? | IP address. |
What is the name of the software that allows us to browse through web pages called? | Browser. |
Who is the founder of Oracle Corporation? | Lawrence J. Ellison. |
Which technology is used in a CDROM Drive? | Optical. |
A program which translates High Level Language to a Machine Level Language is called? | Compiler. |
The process to find error in a software code is called? | Debugging. |
What contains specific rules and words that express the logical steps of an algorithm? | Syntax. |
Data that is copied from an application is stored in? | Clipboard. |
The simultaneous execution of two or more instructions is called? | Multiprocessing. |
Which device can understand difference between Data and programs? | Microprocessor. |
Servers are computers that provide resources to other computers connected to a? | Network. |
Excel spreadsheet, Powerpoint, Word processing are examples of which type of software? | Application software. |
How many MB (Mega Byte) makes one GB (Giga Byte)? | 1024 MB. |
Data that has been organized or presented in a meaningful way is called? | Information. |
In the binary language each letter of the alphabet, each number and each special character is made up of a unique combination of? | 8 bits. |
Windows operating system ‘Windows 8’ is the product of which american company? | Microsoft. |
The term ‘Pentium’ is related to? | Microprocessor. |
C, Java, PHP, C++ are examples of? | Programming language. |
What is the shortcut key for printing a document in windows? | Ctrl + P. |
A Web site’s main page is called? | Home page. |
The basic unit of a worksheet into which you enter data in Excel is called? | Cell. |
What contains buttons and menus that provide quick access to commonly used commands? | Toolbar. |
doc, .xls, .ppt, .html are examples of? | Extensions. |
Which type of file is created by Excel program? | Worksheet file. |
What is the full form of ATM? | Automatic Teller Machine. |
The blinking symbol on the computer screen is called the? | Cursor. |
Which function calculates the largest value in a set of numbers in Excel? | =Max() |
What is the full form of ‘www’ in internet? | World Wide Web. |
Recently all high end smartphones are coming equipped with AMOLED screen. What is its full form? | Active Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode |
Android mobile operating system is the product of which software giant? | Google. |
Gmail, a web based email service is the product of which company? |
Gmail, a web based email service is the product of which company? |
A pointer is shaped like a hand when it is positioned over …………………..? | Hyperlink |
MS-Word allow creation of which type of documents by default? | Document file (.doc) |
MS-Excel allow creation of which type of documents by default | Worksheet (.xls) |
MS-Powerpoint allow creation of which type of documents by default | Presentation file (.ppt) |
While working on a Computer data are temporarily stored in which memory? | RAM (Random Access Memory) |
Information travels between components on the Mother Board through? | Buses |
The most frequently used instructions of a computer program are likely to be fetched from which type of memory? | Cache memory |
A Web site on which an individual or group of users record opinions, information, etc. on a regular basis is called a? | Blog |
Which type of Operation system is Linux? | Open Source |
Text or Graphics while copying are temporarily stored in? | Clipboards |
Horizontal orientation of a page is referred as ………… in Page Setup? | Landscape |
Defragmentation of Hard drive is done for? | Creating more free spaces |
The purpose of the primary key in a database is to? | Uniquely identify a record |
Which command is used to copy a text or file? | Ctrl + C |
Which command is used to paste a text or file? | Ctrl + V |
Full form of BIOS is? | Basic Input Output system |
Printed copy of a document is often called? | Hard Copy |
Full form of SMPS is? | Switched Mode Power Supply |
The device used to carry Digital data on Analog lines is called as? | Modulator |
Full form of MICR is? | Magnetic Ink Character Recognition |
What is used to identify a user who returns to a Website? | Cookies |
The program which translates and executes program at run time line by line is called? | Interpreter |
Buying and selling goods/services through wireless handheld devices is called? | Mobile Commerce |
FTP stands for? | File Transfer Protocol |
Computers use the ………………… Number System to store data and perform calculations? | Binary |
DOS stands for? | Disk Operating System |
Hardware that converts your computer’s digital signal to an analog signal that can travel over telephone lines is called a? | Modem |
……………………….. allows wireless mobile devices to access the Internet and its services? | WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) |
Group of instructions that directs a computer is called? | Program |
A computer-controlled device for training exercises that duplicates the work environment is called? | Simulator |
Perforated paper used as input or output media is known as? | Paper tape |
Ethernet uses? | Bus topology |
CD-ROM stands for? | Compact Disk Read Only Memory |
IBM 1401 is a? | Second Generation Computer |
Chief component of First Generation computer was? | Vaccum tubes and valves |
The personal computer industry was started by? | IBM (International Business Machine) |
Which was the most popular first generation computer? | IBM 1650 |
Responsibility of the logical unit in the CPU of a computer is? | To compare numbers |
A device that operates under the control of another device is called? | Slave |
As compared to diskettes, the hard disks are? | More expensive |