Study Abroad

N5 listening (Common Word & Sentence)

何をしますか? (Nani o shimasu ka?), which means “What will you do?” or “What are you doing?”

今でしょ!” (Ima desho!), which means “Now, right?!”

“daisuki” (大好き), which means “I love (it/you)” or “I really like (it/you)”

今ひま” (Ima hima), which means “I’m free right now” or “I have free time now”

困って” (komatte), which comes from 困る” (komaru), meaning “to be troubled” or “to have a problem.”

またあとで” (Mata atode), which means “See you later”

ちょっと” (Chotto) means “a little” or “wait a moment”

ちょっと待って!(Chotto matte!) → “Wait a moment!”

ちょっと暑いね。(Chotto atsui ne.) → “It’s a little hot, huh?”

それから” (Sore kara) means “And then” or “After that”

駅で” (Eki de), which means “at the station”

もっと頑張って” (Motto ganbatte), which means “Do your best!” or “Keep going!”

日和” (hiyori), which can mean “weather” or “a good day”

小さいですね” (Chiisai desu ne) means “It’s small, isn’t it?” or “It’s tiny, right?”

ビンゴ” (Bingo) as in the game

” (mitsu), meaning “close” or “dense”

気ままに” (kimama ni), which means “freely” or “carefreely.”

何を使いますか?” (Nani o tsukaimasu ka?), which means “What will you use?” or “What are you going to use?”

高くない” (takakunai) means “not expensive” or “not high”

行っていますか?” (Itte imasu ka?), which means “Are you going?” or “Are you on your way?”

どこに” (Doko ni) means “Where to?”

石から” (Ishi kara), it could mean “from the stone,”

六番” (rokuban) means “number six”

五十円” (gojuuen), which means “50 yen.”

どこから” (Doko kara) means “From where?”

入れますか?” (Iremasu ka?), which means “Can I put it in?” or “Can I insert it?

なんと言いますか?” (Nanto iimasu ka?), which means “What do you say?” or “What should I say?”

あさ” (asa), which means “morning”

なんと” (Nanto) is a Japanese expression used to mean “What!” or “How!”

もらえますか?” (Moraemasu ka?), which means “Can I receive it?” or “Can you give it to me?”

一貫” (issaten), which can mean “a single unit”

行きます” (ikimasu), which means “I will go” or “I am going”

” (Minami) means “south”

お帰りなさい” (Okaerinasai), which is a polite way to say “Welcome home!”

” (migi), which means “right”, and ” (minami), which means “south”

“すみません” (Sumimasen) “Excuse me”

女の人は” (Onna no hito wa), which means “The woman” or “The woman (as a topic)”

会社で” (Kaisha de), which means “at the company” or “at work”

レジをかける” (Reji o kakeru), that could mean “to ring up (at the cash register)” or “to use the cash register”

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